Strange Brew (1983)
Hosers Get A Bit Repetitive, Eh?
18 October 2006
Boy, this was a fun movie to watch once, at least for me. Additional viewings just didn't have the comedic effect that first one did. It's like good beer that has gone flat. Maybe because by the second viewing I knew I was going to hear "eh" 5,000 times and "hoser" about 500 times. It's fnny at first, but gets a little too annoyingly repetitive after that. It's like, "Ok, we get the joke!"

The movie starts off funny, somewhat of a forerunner of a Wayne's World flick with the boys pretending to be in a film or on TV. Here, the two "stars" are Rick Moranis and Dave Thomas, both of whom make light of a couple Canadian guys who love their beer, and little else. Everyone is a "hoser" and every sentence ends in "eh?" Actually, as one who lives close to the border and has been in Canada many times, I laughed at that stuff on the first viewing.

However, that - and the lame gags in here - got just too stupid and plain dumb on subsequent viewings. Yes, I even gave this a third look about a month ago, but only lasted about a half hour. I canned the tape and "cracked open a cold one - a beer not mentioned in the movie but a big favorite around these parts: a Labatt's Blue. It was a lot better than the film.
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