Korgoth of Barbaria (2006 TV Short)
A flawless recreation of Conan the Barbarian as a cartoon parody.
19 October 2006
This show was incredible. My dad gave me all of his The Savage Sword of Conan comics a few years ago that he bought in the 80s, and I was absolutely addicted to them. He gave me at least fifty. I've read them over and over, they're so amazing. The Savage Sword of Conan is the only comic series I've ever read that didn't suck, but rather, kicked ass. The manly Conan isn't a colorful, tight-wearing weirdo. He's just a big, strong guy that never dies and does huge numbers of heroic actions. Korgoth of Barbaria is the exact representation of Conan the Barbarian in cartoon form, as a parody of sorts. The main character, Korgoth, is exactly like Conan the Barbarian. He was tricked into going on a pointless mission he had no interest in by some lowlife, and for no reason, he's accompanied by many of the lowlife's henchmen for the sole purpose of having them die a lot by doing things Korgoth says not to do. Partly through his adventure, he meets a beautiful woman who's tied up by a man-eating tree monster as bait, even though it's a weird place to have a woman as bait for humans, since it's out in the middle of a swamp. The woman flirts with Korgoth, and Korgoth shows no interest, but a few seconds later they're having hot, rough sex behind a bush while the generic henchmen listen enviously. The lowlife sent Korgoth to a wizard's castle far away in some mountains. Korgoth wants to get in, steal what he's after for the lowlife and then get out without having to fight the wizard. When the wizard sees him, Korgoth first tries to make his escape, but when forced to fight the wizard, Korgoth easily defeats him in as manly a way as possible.

It's the best cartoon ever, which I mainly say because I'm such a huge fan of Conan the Barbarian. This is a perfect representation of him, with a comical twist, but Korgoth still stays true to the Conan character in how he'd fight and react to situations.
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