Views of a Underdog-Microcosm
20 October 2006
The story is all about some semi-professional drug-dealers in Bari, Southern Italy. However, there is no story to speak of, but it doesn't really matter because it's all in the characters: their words, their gestures and their faces. For everyone familiar with standard Italian the very strong Bari accent ("Barese") proves very hard to understand and even most Italians will need subtitles. This is therefore one of those wonderful low-budget Italian art movies - true jewels of pictographic and linguistic milieu studies - that will appeal especially to persons that have some personal acquaintance with the place and the people living there. I wouldn't be surprised, though, that others will find movies of that sort boring or even uninspired, maybe they don't even see the point. In any case, if you liked "Lacapagira" (The head is spinning), then watch the better known movie "Mio cognato" by the same director, with a stunning Sergio Rubini (who himself hails from the region of Bari).
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