A poor straight to video slasher effort from the late eighties.
28 October 2006
There isn't a great deal of entertainment value to be found in these here parts. This one of those goofy slasher movies which lacks those elements that bring cheesy entertainment and isn't even any good on a so bad its good level.

Following the execution of a bikey leader a mysterious biker goes a killing spree during spring break in Florida, dispatching his victims mainly by electrocution. The whole movie is badly executed and almost all scenes fall flat resulting in no laughs, suspense or excitement. The acting is absolutely terrible even by the standards of dreck like this. The younger actors, including our blander than bland leads, deliver their lines like kindy kids in the end of year Christmas play. I do not exaggerate when I say that the actress who plays the biker girl may well give the worst acting performance in the history of film. Even the old hands like Michael Parks and John Saxon don't exactly distinguish themselves, phoning in poor performances.

The whole movie just trundles along each scene trundled through in a workman like fashion by the directors and actors with no flair or style right up till the Scooby Doo style plot resolution. Even the exploitative elements fail to disappoint; there is little gore other than in the lame and fake looking deaths by electrocution and for a slasher movie set a spring break it is remarkably chaste. What is left over is bad actors going through the motions in the paint by numbers plot and a lot of padding, involving spring break hijinks, some of which I think was meant to be funny and filler subplots like the one involving the bikey gang, which isn't even properly resolved. If a movie like this can't even get the lowest common denominator elements right there is not a lot of point to it.
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