The Departed (2006)
Excellent actors, brilliant idea, smart beginning...
5 November 2006
... but perhaps I was expecting too much after all that?

FOR The theme of the film was very interesting, and the editing was very good. Especially the beginning, I said, was extremely credible and I appreciated a lot the depiction of the complexity of real life in a police department and the difficulties ordinary policemen may face in their job. I truly valued the characters and the acting of Leonardo DiCaprio (Costigan), Matt Damon (Sullivan) Mark Wahlberg (Dignam) and Martin Sheen (Queenan).

AGAINST I consider Jack Nicholson (Costello) has become the parody of himself. Moreover, there was a confrontation between Leonardo DiCaprio/Billy Costigan and Jack Nicholson/Frank Costello which made me literally burst laughing out loud in the cinema. The lines were absurd!

And I'm afraid Europeans don't enjoy butcheries either, as at the end of the film everybody in the cinema was laughing.

Vote: 7/10
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