11 November 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I loved this film, it was well-made, funny, action-packed, and uniquely Italian. The bodyguard's two personalities mean that parts of it are comically botched but others are very slick and sophisticated. Highlights in the film: when he wakes up and realises his other personality scored with Vera, when it "wasn't even his turn", and when he talks to himself in the mirror while his reflection talks back and shaves his head repeatedly-it's surreal but there are some great, typical "cop" moments like the brothel raid which keep it grounded in some kind of reality. Indeed this film will come as a revelation to many who have a candy-coated image of Italy, including the scene where Gorilla nearly confronts a fascist. Including Ernest Borgnine as an ageing US actor is a stroke of genius-his bastardised Italian is barely understandable at times, but always very amusing. I recommend this to anyone, but especially Italians, or people who know the language quite well like me. I'm not being elitist or anything but there are some jokes and bits of heavily-accented dialogue that you can only understand if you've got that bi-cultural/bilingual knowledge.
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