Getting Any? (1994)
Hasn't stood the test of time.
23 November 2006
I think Beat Takeshi is very funny on television. Because in this medium he can adapt and change with the times. Reference relevant things and keep up to date with the latest sense of humour and fashions.

This movie is only 11 years old - but already is completely out dated. The numerous references to Japanese TV, film and music are not relevant anymore. Many of the jokes and puns seem tired and old-fashioned.

The movie does have one or two funny moments - but not worth the money of a rental i'm afraid.

Takeshi Kitano has directed some wonderful movies. And I believe his film making talents definitely lie in drama rather than comedy.

As Beat Takeshi he is a funny and anarchistic. But this only works in the realm of TV. Where he can move with the times.

This movie is old fashioned and dated. And ultimately not funny anymore.

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