Star Trek: The Gamesters of Triskelion (1968)
Season 2, Episode 16
A mixed bag--some of it really, really cool and some of it kind of dumb
8 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
When the episode begins, Kirk, Uhura and Chekov are being beamed by the Enterprise's transporter. However, instead of "sparkling", they disappear and are transported by a fantastic force well across the galaxy. The Enterprise looks for them but don't realize that the seemingly impossible has occurred and only later does Spock play a hunch and begin searching well beyond the transporter's range--to other star systems.

In the meantime, the three find themselves on a bizarre little world where slaves fight--often to the death--for the delight of the unseen "providers". It seems the providers brought them here to be an addition to their gladiators and to improve the "breeding stock". For Chekov and Uhura, the idea of becoming breeders is nauseating--especially since the mates picked out for them are gross or violent. However, Kirk being a super-stud of galactic proportions, goes about in earnest wooing his strange-looking would-be wife (big surprise, huh?). To get the compliance of the three, the foreman of the compound (who looks so very, very cool with his bald head and cool clothes) uses his cool glowing eyes to cause pain when they don't comply. I am a school teacher and really would love to have this ability! Later, the Enterprise find the three but because the providers are so strong, there isn't much they can do. In fact, the providers plan on bringing the entire crew down to the planet to fight in the arena. However, this awful fate is averted when Kirk accidentally makes a wager that the gambling-loving providers can't resist. Naturally, Kirk wins (after all, he is the Kirk-meister) and all the slaves are freed.

While only an average episode, one reason this stands out is due to the SIMPSONS TV show. In the episode where Homer and Barney try out to be on the space shuttle, one scene is a wonderful re-creation of a scene from THE GAMESTERS OF TRISKELION!!! However, the idiots who syndicated the show chopped out this wonderful scene!!! See it on DVD if you get a chance.
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