RUN AWAAAAAYYY!!!!!!!! Amazing Colossal Giant's Turd
11 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
When you read comments here that say it's not as good as The Amazing Colossal Man you know you should stay away. But since you wouldn't listen, here are my two cents. It's bad, it's so bad that it's not even good. Well OK it's not that bad, one scene that I got a chuckle out of was a private running with a pretty obvious skip in his step, that was funny. So here is a critique of this as a serious monster flick. It ranks on a very low scale. The Giant doesn't eat anyone, it eats some bread and thats about it. He picks up some trucks in the beginning and goes rampaging around an airport later but there is only one death in the whole flick and it's the doctor dude like in the first one. There is a cheap armored car with a couple of guns and some stock footage of jets taking off. Yeah looking back I'm really really happy the only reason why I watched this was because it was an MST3K episode. They put some musical instrument info-mercial before it that was a whole lot better material to work with, otherwise even the MST3K treatment would not have been enough for this AMAZING COLOSSAL GIANT'S TURD. 2 of 10 (5 of 10 with MST3K commentary).
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