Review of Comandante

Comandante (2003)
Cubanorwich is a genius
14 December 2006
I'd like to congratulate cubanorwich on a phenomenal movie review; it was top notch-very objective and professional. I like the way he uses historical facts about the successes of communism in places like Soviet Russia and Maoist China in helping to ward off mass starvation, human rights abuses, and their efforts to promote freedom of speech and of the press. I agree with you, cubanorwich; I too am overjoyed with the current state of the Cuban economy and of the liberties afforded to each citizen to criticize the government in print, speech, and protest. It must be that all of these political refugees from Cuba are simply ignorant ignoramuses. You, Sir, should go immediately to Oxford and apply for a job in the history department; surely they will be falling all over themselves to hire you. Or at the very least, you should call Freedomhouse here in America and tell them off. Keep up the good work.
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