Josh Harnett was good but some major concerns!!
15 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
WARNING: Major spoiler ahead!

I thought Josh Harnett was good in this...considering. It was an OK movie in some ways, and it's encouraging that people of the level of insight/maturity of the screen writer (=low) can actually succeed in Hollywood(!?!), but...

Is it just me, or was anyone else blown away by the fact that his ex-girlfriend maliciously RAPED him?! She forced herself on him while he was unconscious and tied down... He was upset about it, didn't want it, and it wrecked his life ... but nobody said boo about it. AND then his real girlfriend LEFT him because of it.

Imagine the tables turned: Semi-conscious girl is handcuffed to a bed, ex-boyfriend enters her apartment without permission, forces himself on her as an act of aggression purely to hurt her and damage her life... Then her actual boyfriend leaves her because she got raped ... and nobody reports any of this to the police or even hints that it was, er, bad? Can't we do better than this in this day and age?!

It's also ridiculous the way ordinary girls behave in the movie; all of his office colleagues turn into sex workers, and extremely sexually aggressive ones at that. Real women just don't behave that way (very rarely), so I believe that it all reveals, as usual, something pretty 'interesting' about the psyche of the writer (and director).

Because in other respects it's a 'nice' movie and Josh Harnett is kind of sweet, it's easy for these serious issues to slip under the mental radar of many viewers, especially young ones, so it's a bit of a worry to me...
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