Rocky Balboa (2006)
Easily, The Best Picture of 2006
23 December 2006
Heartfelt, warm, inspiring . . . Rocky is great all the way through . . . in a world that seems to give emotion and feeling over to technology and movies are referred to as mushy and weepy, Rocky triumphs triumphantly and I am happy I saw it on the first showing of its first day of release. Rocky must leave as he came . . . with the Best Picture of the Year . . . if silly politics gets in the way, the Academy of Motion Pictures should be shunned .. . Rocy triumphs triumphantly and I am grateful to see this day where Rocky VI comes out . . . thirty years ago, my parents got a baby-sitter for me when THEY saw the first Rocky . . . suppose there's a rocky vii through with Rocky in a wheelchair .. . anything's possible.
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