Nice continuation of the first film
24 January 2007
Edvard (Luke Mably), the young king of Denmark, is set to marry USA commoner Paige in a month or so. Paige, meanwhile, is not only preparing for a wedding but cramming for medical examinations in her quest to become the first physician-queen. Unfortunately, the king of Norway wants to intervene. He is a bankrupt spendthrift who, nevertheless, finds an old Danish law that says Edvard can only marry royal blood. Edvard is not concerned, as the law is ancient, and he orders his underlings to find a way around the law. Yet, the king of Norway brings his young and beautiful daughter, Kristen, to the Danish palace, complicating things. Also, Paige is photographed repeatedly committing silly faux pas, in an attempt to make her unpopular, something Kristen may have a hand in. With all of this turmoil, will there be a happy ending for Paige and Edvard? This is a nice little sequel to the first film. The principal actors are very attractive and winning and the supporting cast quite adequate. The setting is lovely, as Denmark and the royal palaces are very eye-catching. Add to that the nice costumes and you have a film that looks engaging. Perhaps the plot is a bit silly but most romcom fans will embrace it as a duck takes to water. Aren't most funny love stories a bit zany anyways? For those who liked the first film and adore romance movies, do try to find this sequel. It is good, clean fun and, although slight, the movie will enchant its target audience very well.
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