Review of Dark City

Dark City (1998)
People liked this ? Really ?
10 February 2007
I never heard of it when it came out and after seeing it on a "geek must see list" I gave it a try. Must see ? really ? I would say I am a sci-fi fan so my standards can be forgiving in the genre. But this film ? It was serious cheese. When I saw the "child" Stranger, all I could think of was the midget that hangs around with Kid Rock. Lame. Everything about the film was just so amateurish. If it was trying to be Tim Burton'esquire in its appearance, it failed miserably. Kiefer Sutherland is an OK actor but he seemed like such an embarrassing caricature here and leads were like living dead. My wife and I were so bored with it that we ended up fast forwarding through the big "climax fight scene"…BORING! I cant believe this made someones top 10 list. Dark City ? More like Dull city
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