Review of Amatemi

Amatemi (2005)
Love is out there, Nina !
13 February 2007
'Amatemi' is an elegant, slow-paced movie about a 35 years old woman (Ferrari), stuck in an insignificant marriage without children. Taking a vacation from her job of speaker in a mall, Nina starts a new life surrendering to her repressed love temptations, picking up plenty kinds of lovers. Though I symbolized an articulated story about a woman playing with too much diverse men (with all the predictable complications) the narration is solid and linear because Nina becomes simply a hedonist, spending her free time living a lifestyle miles away her previous one. De Maria lingers just on his "muse", Ferrari, mildly on the man who probably is Nina's favorite, but delivers very little elements to draw the other figures playing ! He prefers empty sequences, wandering the city by night or at the discotheque, without dialogs or plot. When conclusions showed a banal, mathematical turn, in facts, I didn't feel cheated because the director amused to give the impression something dangerous could have soon occurred, thanks also to some misleading supernatural scenes. It's been something like a mastermind with a obvious but hidden solution.

Dragged by the marvelous notes by Riccardo Sinigallia (and his masterpiece song BellAmore, that closes this film), along with Italian pop music and sophisticated pieces at the piano, every sequence has a superb cinematography, dark and nearly chaste for the love scenes, as sex were still a taboo for a female audience (is it?), here elegantly pictured even when a bit mercenary. The title "Love me!" is a bit deceptive. Nina "begs" for love just one time, quickly persuaded it's the last !
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