Angel: Ground State (2002)
Season 4, Episode 2
Enter Gwen
2 March 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Honestly, this isn't the most important episode of the season, but I actually enjoy it a lot. Mostly, because of Angel trying to reconnect with Wes and find Cordy. The three of them are the heart of the show and I just love them together. Anyway, this episode introduces Gwen, who will be in the show later on, and it lets the rest of Team Angel know that Cordy's a Higher Power now. All and all, you should give the episode a chance.

This episode revolves around Angel's search for Cordelia. Ever since he's been out of the water, he's been desperate to find her again. His first stop is Cordy's apartment, which is about to be rented again. As Angel, Fred and Gunn try to figure out where Cordelia could be, Angel finds a picture of himself, Cordy and Wes. Determined to fix things, he goes to find Wesley. Angel tells Wes that he forgives him, but Wes is still bitter. He gives Angel the file that he's been keeping on Cordy's disappearance and leaves. Angel looks over Wes's research and follows his advice. Which basically means visiting an weird bat demon and then searching for a magical arch thing that works as an interdimentional GPS/compass. Unfortunately, the compass is about to be auctioned off for 33 million dollars. Team Angel decides to steal it.

Meanwhile, a professional thief named Gwen is also after the compass thing. She's working for an evil client of Wolfram & Hart and she gets the compass first. Gunn is hurt in the process and Fred is very upset. Angel is frustrated and goes to Lilah for information. She agrees because (1) Angel threatens her and (2) he can tell that she's dating Wes, which sort of freaks her out a little. She gives Angel the name of Gwen and her client. When Angel catches up with them, he and Gwen fight. Then the client tries to double cross Gwen and kill them both. Angel has to fight some bad guys and he & Gwen sort of bond. She gives him the compass thing to look for Cordy. Angel finds out that Cordelia is a Higher Power and reluctantly accepts the fact that she's gone. But in magic, floaty world, Cordy is ready to come home... NOW!

There are some good parts to this episode. I really like the scene between Wes and Angel. There's so much history and pain and genuine brotherly love between them. Angel's trying to mend fences. His time under the water has given him some perspective. When he looks that photo in Cordelia's apartment of himself, Cordy and Wesley, you can just see Angel's resolve to get his family back. But Wes is still hurt and distrustful. Angel's surprised to see that Wes is running his own crew of rouge demon hunters and that he doesn't seem to need Angel Inc. anymore. Only Wes's new fighters are pretty much faceless and he only calls them by their last names. He's distancing himself from them, because of his experiences with Team Angel. Wesley is angry and disillusioned, but on some level he still sees himself as part of Angel Inc. He's been researching Cordy's disappearance and he found Angel, because he still loves them. He wants to be back with his friends, he just doesn't know how. Watching his scene with Angel, I feel so bad for Wes and I just want him back at the Hyperion where he belongs. And Angel's so dedicated to finding Cordy. When the bat demon says that Cordelia doesn't need him anymore, Angel responds, "I need her" and it just breaks my heart. Also, I like the scene where Fred, Gunn & Angel brake into the auction house and find Gwen. I just have to laugh when Angel tries to explain the magical compass thing's powers and she starts signing "It's fun for a girl and a boy." Finally, it's nice that Gunn and Fred had a real emotional scene. She's internalizing all the stress that she's been under, trying to hold everything together. When she starts breaking down and sobbing, Gunn tries to comfort her, hugging her as she cries. It's a nice little moment.

On the down side, I think this is the last episode with Phantom Dennis, which makes me sad. I wish that he'd come back in season five, when Spike is a ghost, too. Also, I never really warm up to Gwen. She kind of a dead-end character, who never really fulfills her potential on the show. I still don't get why Angel kisses her during their fight. Basically, I'll accept him kissing Cordy and Buffy. Anybody else is just wrong. (This means you, Nina in season five.)

My favorite part of the episode: Fred's drawings. She has these silly little cartoon ghosts and slant-y roofed buildings as she tries to explain her plan to rob the auction house. Angel, meanwhile, sketches beautifully realized portraits of Cordy and the magical compass do-dad. Fred's annoyed, astonished reaction just makes me laugh. Probably because I'm a terrible artist, too.
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