Review of Naina

Naina (2005)
I didn't see "The Eye" first, so...
10 March 2007
First off, I'll have to take the word of everyone who claims "Naina" is a ripoff of "The Eye". Since I've never seen it, I can't confirm or deny.

Second, as an American viewer, I appreciated the notable absence of the "big song-and-dance" number that seems to make its way into most Bollywood films -- no matter the genre. The grandmother is endearing even if she seems a bit out of place.

"Bhoot" was a better offering purely as a horror film. Not that "Naina" didn't have its moments, but it wasn't so much scary as merely creepy. The first time Naina comes face-to-face with Khemi is a prime example of what I mean (and if you want to know more than that you'll have to watch it).

But "Naina" has a special place for me because it was my introduction to Urmila Matondkar -- quite possibly THE most exquisitely beautiful woman in the world. And for her -- or any sighted person -- to play the role of a blind woman and do it with eyes wide open is a challenge. That Urmila was completely *believable* as a blind woman says a lot about her talent.

And to a couple of earlier reviewers: The bald child in the hospital was a GIRL, and Naina was NOT blind from birth -- she was blinded in an accident at age 5. I wouldn't bring it up, but if you're going to call somebody out about attention to detail you should really make sure your own slip isn't showing first.
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