A Good Woman (2004)
An outstanding investment of time
11 March 2007
I thought I would treat myself to two Scarlett Johansson films this morning and I am glad that I did. As lovely as she was in Lost in Translation, she was dazzling in A Good Woman.

This film requires that you invest your full attention or you will miss most of the really great gems:

"I like America. Name me another society that's gone from barbarism to decadence without bothering to create a civilization in between."

"You're so fond of gossip you don't give the truth a chance to put its pants on."

"Every man is born truthful and every man dies a liar."

"Crying is the refuge of plain women. Pretty women go shopping."

Oh, there were so many many more. That was what was so great about this film - aside from staring at Scarlett, of course. I have always liked Helen Hunt, and she played magnificently here. I remember her fondly from "Mad About You." The only other movie I have seen her in was "As Good as it Gets," but I will be looking for "Bobby" to see her again.

I won't go into the details of the story as that would spoil it for you, suffice it to say that it makes for a very interesting background to this film about love and morals. It is sweet, funny, tender, and imminently fun.
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