Straight Talk (1992)
Corny, poorly-made vehicle for Dolly
17 March 2007
Advertised as a "date movie", this comedic vehicle for Dolly Parton is really full of chick-flick clichés, hopefully the last gasp for the Cinderella Specialty. Parton plays a country bumpkin named Shirlee who relocates from the sticks to Chicago, inadvertently landing a job as a talk-radio psychologist (when asked about her education, Shirlee tartly replies she graduated from "Screw U"). Corny, old-fashioned in the worst sense, and just plain stale. James Woods and Griffin Dunne are both highly inappropriate male leads for Dolly, whose natural effervescence is apparent but not utilized to any advantage. Parton also performs on the soundtrack, with the title cut being one of her very weakest songs. *1/2 from ****
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