Cool title. Crap film.
24 March 2007
The opening credits on my DVD say this is a Franco Prosperi film, yet the cover states that the director is none other than Jess Franco; I am more inclined to believe the latter given the dreadful camera-work, poor narrative, dreadful effects and general shoddiness of this production.

Looking as though it was shot in the local botanical gardens (I'm sure I spotted roads and walls in the supposed tropical jungle) and featuring the most unconvincing cannibals ever (due to badly applied face paint, they look like members of Kiss crossed with the Insane Clown Posse), this lamentable mess of a movie features Al Cliver as Jeremy Taylor, a doctor searching for his missing daughter, who was abducted by a tribe of cannibals many years before. After putting together an expedition and travelling into cannibal country, he discovers his long-lost girl living with the gut-munchers having been proclaimed a goddess by the savages.

As any fan of the genre knows, cannibal movies should include as much stomach churning gore as possible, plus frequent nudity and, wherever possible, real animals being hacked to pieces. White Cannibal Queen fails on all counts. The gore is shot in out-of-focus, extreme close-up (and in slow motion!), the nudity is sparse (the 'cannibal queen' is topless and Franco regular Lina Romay briefly bares her breasts) and not a single defenceless critter gets mutilated.

Only a cool funky jungle soundtrack, and an extremely funny moment when the head cannibal suddenly starts to speak English, prevents me from giving this Franco farrago the lowest possible score (he's already been given 1/10 from me for his excremental efforts A Virgin Among the Living Dead and Succubus).
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