Paper Dragons (1996)
low budget, high aspiration
20 April 2007
A Russian immigrant, Paul Marcos, becomes a drug dealer to survive. After a heist he joins goes bad, he recovers from his wounds at a Buddhist Temple. There he is taught Mantis style martial arts. But the abbots at the monastery have a hidden agenda, one which forces Marcos into confrontation with the mob that ruined the heist....

Here's the bad news - this is not an action movie.

It is a drama about one young man's spiritual journey through a world of corruption. Not a martial arts film but a film about martial arts, and how rigorous self-discipline and strict ethics comprise what kung fu is really all about.

Here's the good news - despite a crash budget, Adolfo Swaya turns in a remarkably good film. Strong script, surprisingly effective visuals, excellent editing, rock solid acting despite some stereotyping, good sound quality for a cheapie independent. And that's is what this is, really - an independent film (a personal film, very carefully crafted), not a 'kung fu' film. But I found it easy to watch and with a lesson to learn. Rewards the patient viewer who can release genre expectations and enjoy it for what it is
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