Jesus Camp (2006)
It's just plain sick what they do.
22 April 2007
If you've seen the documentary "Friends of God" (made by Nancy Pelosi's daughter Alexandra), then you'll be prepared for what "Jesus Camp" portrays. If not, then prepare yourself to nearly get frozen to death. These evangelicals may reside on Earth, but they literally live in their own universe (in which George W. Bush is God and Harry Potter is the devil). As can be expected, they teach the children that Palestinians raise their children to be suicide bombers, and that either you love Jesus or you don't (and that even if there is such a thing as global warming, it's all God's doing); of course, since they believe that only subscribers to their narrow-minded view of Christianity love Jesus and will go to Heaven, that means that at least five sixths of the world population is going to Hell.

If you find it incredible how these people can exist in the 21st century, then just remember that these people have plenty of Washington politicians pandering to them. And of course, there's Ted Haggard, the self-proclaimed homophobic who after this got filmed was revealed to be meeting with gay prostitutes (I actually thought that he had sort of an affected accent, a little bit like Paul Lynde). I, for one, hope that something like that gets exposed about all these sorts of people, just so that everyone can understand what hypocrites they are.

All in all, it's important for people to see just how sick these people are and specifically how manipulative the leaders are. It would be kind of funny if they didn't have so much influence in Washington. Given how negatively they speak of anyone not like them, I'm surprised that they haven't gone to the extreme; maybe they would like to claim that the Looney Tunes are gay (think about it: Bugs Bunny often dresses in drag, Daffy Duck lisps, Porky Pig walks around half naked, etc).

But I digress. It's a really good documentary and I recommend it to everyone.
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