Review of Venus

Venus (I) (2006)
The End of One Life and the Beginning of Another
15 May 2007
A lot of people were offended by the idea of an old man slavering over a young girl. I guess it is pretty offensive when stated baldly like that, but that's the danger is stating things simply about people and life. The story is about a young woman who meets an old man who still finds women interesting and attractive, even though there is nothing he can do about it. At least, there is nothing he can do about it physically. He can be charming and entertaining. He can introduce her to a larger world. He can make her understand that there is much more about life than she ever dreamed there could be. The phrase "celebration of life" is a tiresome cliché but there is no other way to categorize this film. Well, maybe is shouldn't be categorized, just as life itself should not be categorized. It should just be experienced, and you take out of it whatever you can get.
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