Amazing....the first film to really impress me in years
31 May 2007
I just got the import Midnight Video bootleg/USA Public Domain Release of the film. I must say I've been at this since I was 10 years old...watching horror films...reading Fango...searching for those lost treasures...after years of seeing horror films everything starts to blur and become the same old thing...stories retold, murders recreated..scares duplicated...Basically, you realize that there is not much new or novel out there...ghosts, monsters, zombies...psychos...that's about all. Spyder Labrythn is the first film in years that I can say caught me off guard and drew me in...It is this weird mix of Suspiria and The Beyond...but where The Beyond was stupid...story wise and in presentation...this film was not and where Suspiria dragged in parts of the narrative for the illusion of suspense...Spyder Labrynth doesn't. A beautifully simple tale of a professor sent to Budapest to investigate the lost communication of his colleague only to get drawn into the madness of the town and the secret it's people are protecting. The film is not predictable...the effects are gruesome and amazing and it has this claustrophobic eeriness that has only recently been recaptured by The Descent...A must see for any Horror Fan...it's a shame the film is Public Domain and will never get a decent release...
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