The Thin Man: Robot Client (1958)
Season 1, Episode 23
see Forbidden Planet, Special Edition DVD
21 June 2007
Since this episode features "Robby the Robot", it is included in the extra features section of this 2-disc DVD set. After viewing, you must ask yourself why Peter Lawford ever got any acting gigs. Robby does a better job acting than this rat-packer! Even Asta, no speaking parts in this episode - though she does have a couple of barks, is more believable. What is enjoyable is seeing the great number of character actors in this particular episode. All of the "regular" faces are there as they were in many late 50's, early 60's television productions. The other amusing oddity is that the Robby the Robot costume (?) was being utilized a lot by MGM and, as a result, had suffered a few dings, dents and scratches. Unfortunately, no trip to the body shop was in the immediate future and Robby's repairs would have to wait.
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