Basil, the Sherlock Holmes of the mice world
29 June 2007
The 26th animated Disney classic is one of the most unknown and underrated Disney classics. Yet, it has a big number of fans. Not everybody knows it (including many Disney fans themselves), but those who know it usually appreciate it. Very unlikely you'll find someone who dislikes this.

"The Great Mouse Detective" is often said to be the first animated Disney classic with animation by computer, but that title belongs to the earlier "The Black Cauldron".

"The Great Mouse Detective" is like a Sherlock Holmes mice version. Without being tremendous (far from that), it is enjoyable enough. Although it has nothing to do with "The Rescuers", it seems to have been somehow inspired by the idea and success of "The Rescuers", which encouraged them to "repeat the formula". While not as good as "The Rescuers", still this motion picture deserves some credit too.

It never reached the popularity and classic status of most Disney classics and remains forgotten and unpopular after all these years - however, not as much as "The Black Cauldron".

This movie is one of the darkest Disney cartoons and at the same time one of the funniest at times.

Like most Disney classics, it has great characters, a good general quality job on details, wonderful animation, memorable songs, a cool story, adventure, danger, friendship, the main one might ask on a Disney animated movie...

My favorite characters are Basil, Dr. David Q. Dawson, Felicia, Olivia and Toby. Why? Basil because he's wise, smart, confident and brave. Dr. Dawson because he is funny, simple and dabbler. Felicia because she is a funny character (especially when she nearly has Fidget for her dinner). Olivia because she's a cute and sweet little mouse. Toby because he's a cute and adorable dog. Both Olivia and Toby are more than cute characters - they're sweet, innocent, adorable and lovely.

Professor Ratigan is the big villain of this movie. He's the ultimate Disney villain. He's very evil (like a villain should be), but at the same time he's got a huge sense of humor, he's sarcastic and creepy at times. However, most of the time he's hilariously evil.

Fidget (the bat) is Ratigan's sidekick and helper. He's a comic relief and often abused by Ratigan.

I perfectly understand why Ratigan was one of Vincent Price's favorite roles. Vincent Price does an amazing job as the voice of Ratigan.

The soundtrack is another triumph of this movie. It has great songs such as Henry Mancini's instrumental opening theme, some beautiful classical music and the delightful Ratigan's song "Goodbye So Soon" (sung by Vincent Price himself), just to mention a few examples.

This film takes place in London, in the year of 1897. London is a beautiful and very nice big city and it has some great scenes with the majestic Big Ben (outside and inside the Big Ben).
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