History coming alive ...
5 July 2007
An excellent series, absolutely riveting - bought it on DVD and saw it in two sittings. I could write miles of praise about this documentary-in-the-best-sense-of-the-word, basically based on contemporary documentation, but I will add one tiny speck of criticism; in the last-but-one episode, we almost get the impression that the British campaign in the South was supposed to lash out at the institution of slavery (there is some reference to the "All men are created equal" phrase in the Declaration of Independence being hypocritical), but of course the British could not have minded slavery in 1781 since they themselves would not abolish it for another fifty-two years. At the very end of the series, Dr. Pauline Meier puts forth a very interesting thought: that the world tends to forget its heritage from the American revolution simply because - unlike the French revolution and the Russian revolution - it succeeded. When all is said and done, this is the revolution that launched world democracy.
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