The Musketeer (2001)
Stunt reel ruined by a plot
9 July 2007
OK, the stunts and fight scenes are incredible... Or the would be if we were allowed to see them uncut. But, since the stunt men looked nothing like the actors they were doubling, we never see the final pay off any of the (often spectacular) moves. Instead we cut to flurry of spinning wig and floppy hat. The costuming conceals the faces, but the camera cuts conceals the actual action.

The real crime is that all this obfuscation is in deference to the plot that is not worthy of this treatment. Chambers is a pathetic lead who proclaims his infatuation for his love interest with same tone he addresses a collapsed horse later in the movie. Suvari does OK, given she's acting across from an actor with the depth of drywall. Her character comes across as a bit feisty and commendable.

Roth's villain is done well and is a hate-able antagonist and the cameo appearances of the Three Musketeers are amusing but way too brief considering the iconic nature of these characters and the fact that this supposed to be a Musketeer movie.

To sum up: The fights are fun, but leave you unfulfilled. The acting is wooden and the story is shallow. Pass on this one.
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