This movie was not even worth picking up for free.
10 July 2007
Warning: Spoilers
So I go to blockbuster and they're having a sale buy 2 get 2 free, I couldn't find many good movies so I ended up getting The Butterfly Effect 2 as one of my free ones. The first one was amazing I thought, this one can't be too bad... Oh boy was I wrong.

The movie follows a new character who seems in no way connected to Evan Treborn, (which isn't a bad thing I guess) In the movie He and his girlfriend and 2 other friends were in a car accident and of course one year later he tries to go back and change everything and screws it up. The movie was very badly written, there were many inconsistencies though out the movie such as the mentioning of a car accident when in that reality there wasn't one. This movie was not even worth picking up for free.

QUOTE IMDb: The entire film was shot in 20 days.

Let me tell you. it shows. IF they wanted to make a good sequel they should have actually made a prequel detailing Evan's Father's Experiences with the Butterfly Effect. Now that would have been great.

To sum things up: Even if you can get a hold of the movie for free, don't.

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