Hammerhead (1987)
Highly enjoyable actioner from Castellari
22 July 2007
Atomic Cyborg's (Hands Of Steel) Daniel Greene headlines in this exciting action yarn as a hard as nails mercenary turned detective who sets out to find and punish those responsible for his buddies murder. This mission subsequently takes him to Jamaica where he encounters a web of intrigue, high level corruption and danger at every turn.

Once again, director Enzo G. Castellari proves that he's a dab hand in the genre and delivers the usual quota of great stunt work, cool action set pieces and a fair few twists and turns that prove to really lift this flick above the norm.

Scenes of special mention include a great chase sequence near the start in which our hero pursues a ruthless hit man played by B-Movie regular Frank (Striker) Zagarino, another chase sequence a little bit later on that takes place on jet skis (again our hero chasing the same foe) and a very violent fight sequence towards the end in this in which our hero gets his face pushed onto a circular saw; Ouch!!!

Sadly, this is quite hard to find nowadays so if you are lucky enough to come across a copy my advice is to grab it up quick!
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