Uptown Girls (2003)
I want my brain cells back.
21 August 2007
This movie is, without a doubt, the worst thing I've ever seen, and I've seen some MAJOR pieces of crap. But this movie really stands out for me, because it's the only time I've switched off before a movie ended. You want to know what I did then? I watched my toenails grow. It was a lot more interesting and, funnily enough, less predictable than Uptown Girls. I could feel myself get stupider and stupider as the movie went on, until I became afraid that I was going to end up in a vegetative state.

Everything about this movie stunk, and the writers should be forced to watch Cradle Of Fear over and over again for the rest of time. Don't get me wrong, I think Dakota Fanning is a nifty little actress, and was creepy as anything in Taken. If they do an all female midget version of Silence Of The Lambs, I'm nominating her for the part of Hannibal. But I digress...

The problem isn't the actors, it's just that this movie bit the big one. The characters are annoying as Hell, the acting is deplorable, the soundtrack is your run-of-the-mill girlie attempt at punk rock which just sounds completely poo and may make you psychotic, and the plot is, at beast, mind numbingly predictable. Seeing Brittany Murphy trying to act all loved up (I THINK that's what she was trying to act...) was pretty scary. It looked like the director had doped her up on who knows what and let her off in front of the camera. I threw up a little bit in my mouth during the "Pez" bit. I was a little worried they might have given Murphy brain damage before the scene, and that's why she was acting like a bit of a partard.

Long story short, this movie is utter crud, and really, you should be buying me awesome presents for letting you know and saving you the torture of sitting through it.

Oh yeah, and don't even get me STARTED on that damn song that Jesse Spencer sings...
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