25 August 2007
This is one of the highlights of the classic age of kids TV. It was spooky and exciting and poignantly tragic. Simon Gipps-Kent was just SO fantastic. I used to watch everything he was in.

Basically, the girl in the story found herself time travelling back to Elizabethan days (late 1500's)and found herself caught up in an abortive treasonable plot against the Queen by a Catholic faction supportive of Mary, Queen of Scots. Why TV like this isn't made any more is beyond me. Stories like "Harry Potter" and "His Dark Materials" show that fantasy is still very much appreciated.

Sadly, kids TV is now a poor relation.. make it fast, make it cheap, loud, inclusive, simple, trendy, modern day...

Somebody needs to realise that children need a variety of programmes, not just "junk food TV"

This series was typical of the engaging and classy output of its era, when children were treasured and given quality brain food as a matter of course
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