Kim Novak Splendid
6 September 2007
Kim Novak after leaving her long term contract at Columbia made "Boys Night Out" at MGM and then this fine version of the great classic novel. MGM filmed "Of Human Bondage" on location in Ireland first billed over British star Laurence Harvey assigning Henry Hathaway,a very well known but gruff, 'shoot em up' Western Director, to helm this film. Hathaway and Novak clashed from the beginning of the filming and Kim Novak walked off the film. MGM had to decide who was more important and soon Kim Novaki was back on the film but a new director assigned. This film had a lot of bad press during the filming due to the Novak-Hathaway feud, but seen today it is a very fine film with Kim Novak superb in the role of Mildred that made Bette Davis a superstar worldwide. In fact I feel Kim Novak is better in this role than Bette Davis was, less shrill, and Ms.Novak is particularly moving in the End of the film. Kim Novak was always regarded as a big box office star, but her work in review demands a more intelligent appraisal of her varied work from "Picnic" thru "Vertigo" to "Middle Of the Night," "Strangers When We Meet" this film and another film bashed when it debuted "Kiss Me Stupid". Walter Matthau before he died gave an Interview where he stated he learned more from Kim Novak than any other person in Hollywood on screen acting.
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