Species III (2004 TV Movie)
7 September 2007
Warning: Spoilers
What happens when you take most of the sex and a good portion of nudity out of a Species movie and throw in a low budget and boring script? You get Species 3, which is appallingly boring when compared to the other movies. Number one had a great atmosphere and cast, number two had good special effects (and little else worth noting) and number three has.... um, hold on, I'll think of something.

If you have read the plot synopsis for this movie, you have been badly misled. It claims that Sara is desperately seeking a mate while a military team closes in on her. Neither is true. The movie starts shortly after number 2, with Eve's body being transported somewhere so they can "use her dying DNA to make something else." Why they can't just make another one is beyond me but anyway. The truck driving her stops as an alien tongue bursts through the back wall of the truck and kills the passenger. The driver goes to investigate only to catch Eve waking up and giving birth in an unusual way. She doesn't even have time to see the baby before the little Patrick child in the back with her snaps her neck with his alien tongue. (Anyone else notice the cat that was in there at the end of 2 had vanished?) Anyway, the driver grabs the newborn creature and scurries away as troops arrive to see what happened to the truck. This driver somehow turns out to be a college professor (yes, I know, makes no sense) named Dr. Abbot. He starts to raise the young girl, whom he names Sara, while he teaches class at a local college. Shortly after, he is visited by a large, sickly looking person that turns out to be the halfbreed that was in the back of the truck. It is looking for Sara, as he and the rest of his kind are dying off due to weakened immune systems (Funny that these big bad aliens can't handle things like pollen). This halfbreed dies in his office, spilling it's guts all over. Abbot then enlists a brilliant student, Dean, to help him with his planned experiments involving the alien DNA. At the same time, Sara has gone into her cocoon and hatches out as a shapely adult. She is confronted by the university's dean while in her full glory, but rejects him as a mate (We later find out that her "superior DNA" doesn't match up with humans, so they will not produce offspring with her). He doesn't like this and she ends up killing him. Abbot and Dean return to find the empty cocoon and the dead dean and realize what happened. They get rid of the body and Abbot explains that he plans to use Sara's ovum (without her knowledge) and the DNA from the half breeds to create a perfect species (Why he wants to do this is never made clear). As Sara roams the college town, she senses another halfbreed that is seeking her out and almost mates with him before realizing that he is sick and dying. The next day, Abbot and Dean prepare to start experimenting on Sara when she is attacked by the halfbreed, who is desperate to mate before he dies. They manage to save Sara and kill him but not before he impales Abbot. After this, Dean returns to his dorm, where his roommate has an email from a very hot woman who is interested in cellular biology. The roommate responds to her request using information about the aliens he found in Dean's things. The woman turns out to be another halfbreed, Amelia. She arrives shortly after and seduces the roommate before taking him hostage. She and Sara then force him to make the new species so they will have mates. Dean and a government agent crash the party and the roommate escapes with the harvested alien ovum. They are chased down to a large nuclear facility that Dean worked at. Amelia and Sara chase Dean to the reactor as it warms up. He drops the eggs in there and Sara turn on Amelia, sacrificing herself to save Dean, who escapes. Three weeks later, Dean's roommate goes back to Abbot's house only to find Sara and a young boy. He races to the lab where Dean tells him that he was able to grab Sara at the last moment and had created the boy so she wouldn't be alone. Later, after the boy had matured, he and Sara leave, going into the woods to escape detection. Dean then assures his roommate that the guy is sterile and they will not have any little alien children. The final shot shows the number 1903 on a train bridge.

The entire movie is just so drab. There isn't a ton of the violence, the aliens look to cheesy and they toned the sex and nudity WAY down. Sunny Mabrey is cold and emotionless as Sara but that is OK for the part. The rest of the characters are stereotypical and boring to the point that none merit any mention.

Basically, see it if you're a die-hard for the series or really curious. Otherwise, pass on it.
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