Classic? No. It's porn and stupid on top of that
25 September 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Alright I get it sexploitation was the cool new film style sweeping the nation in the late sixties and seventies. I have no beef with that and it has nothing to do with being offended by the content. I just don't believe you can make an actual legitimate entertaining movie and still have nearly full on sex and nudity in it. You can quote Russ Meyer at me all day...it's porn and nothing more and it's only made campy and ridiculous because they just wanted to make porn that would reach a more mainstream crowd and essentially they did that. The Cheerleaders takes a stereotypical male fantasy and tries to slap some sort of plot to it which would have made a better, and lighter teen sex comedy the likes of Porky's or more modern American Pie. Instead when any sort of comedy or 'romp' begins to happen they break into the full on nudity and porn. I mean it wasn't a complete waste of time...I give it very small points for the attempt at something different as far as the plot goes however campy that may have been and the cast wasn't entirely unfortunate considering their main goal was to play the sluttiest group of teenage girls in the history of film. If any High School male saw this movie they'd wonder why their high school sucks so bad and this one the girls literally sleep with everyone, everywhere, any time, and any where.

I don't know if I could bother going into any details about the cast. Most of the girls, in fact nearly all of them, were brand new to the screen and most of them, almost all of them, never did much of anything afterwards and if they did it was the same type of sleaze. Needless to say all of them are not ashamed to be in any state of nudity and they all do have their own little personalities from cheerleader to cheerleader and I think that shows some ability to act and show some talent. The guys in the film are all more or less the same from any skin flick show or porn movie. Mustaches, horny old guys, buff football players and the likes. Director and co-writer Paul Glickler made this film and made it for one reason and one reason only sexploitation on young naked cheerleaders and for succeeding in that I suppose he should be given kudos because he never did anything much after this.

The plot is simple yet decent enough for me to give it a couple of points because it's ambitious for a porn movie. A new girl joins the cheerleading squad only to reveal that she is a virgin. The team captain likes this because one of her former cheerleaders quit because she was pregnant so she is determined to keep said girl a virgin. The other girls on the squad are determined to make her a bonafide cheerleader and get her in bed with any man they can possibly find. Along the way we are treated to the Cheerleading squad and their many, many seducing ways and well basically whoring around their town. I suppose if you want some soft core porn with a half decent story that you might watch then The Cheerleaders might impress you but if this is what classifies classic than I am frightened for movie history. Trash. 3/10
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