Private Practice (2007–2013)
Private Practice time factor
31 October 2007
It gets much, much better with time. Lame cliché, but true. Why is that? you may ask, well, first because it's getting a distance from GA. It's technically a spin off, but it's truly not. It's a brand new show with a character that USED TO BE on GA. Huge difference. Which, unfortunately, made the pilot/episode of GA almost un-watchable. It was really bad because we got a bunch of new characters tossed at us in two hours with a: this is the new show, like it! Almost impossible in those circumstances seeing as they are extremely different shows. So the first episode on it's own made me go: huh! better than I remembered. So distance: good.

Secondly, the characters are getting more interesting. Not only are the actors obviously... getting to know who their characters are, but so am I. Violet is getting past the stalking thing. She now has a personality that doesn't involve stalking Allan (big plus). Cooper is getting over having sex with women of dubious nature and becoming a very caring character who wear wings to discover the source of little girls illness (major plus). Dell is passed the surfer dude stage, gotta love the happy pap! And so on. I'm not sure I'll ever get to like Charlotte though I do have to say that the urge to hit her over the head with a large stick has mostly passed... So, they are getting past their starting point and I like that.

Thirdly, and final point, the writing is better. It's directly relating to second point, and the story line are interesting. They do only have two patients an episode, so not a whole lot of medicine, most of the time not even Addison's, but it doesn't matter cause they are good story lines. And they are getting explored now. They use more of their potential and that's very nice. It seriously makes for an enjoyable watch. Give it another chance, you might actually be surprised at what you'll find.
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