Review of Alias

Alias (2001–2006)
Beginning, OK; Middle, great; End.... meh
15 November 2007
This show started interesting, then got really, really good. But as the seasons piled up, the writers never seemed sure how to get to the end of any plot. Don't get me wrong, each week they'd wrap up the present challenge for the protagonists neatly (sometimes too neatly). But for any of the over-arcing stories, they just kept putting off any resolution over and over. So these plot lines just got more and more convoluted and the payoff ended up being unsatisfying.

They kept 'resetting' the series premise instead of moving forward, so we always had Arvin Sloan as the evil, untrustable mastermind, Jack as the manipulative father with his own agenda and Sidney as the moral compass trying to make sure that the end of the world is averted.

The problem is, Sloan never gets defeated finally, Jack never decides whether he wants to be a dad or spy-master and Sidney never takes the necessary steps to prevent the world from needing saving all over again next week.

So each season becomes a more confusing, yet paler imitation of the previous one. The action is always top notch. In fact, the action sequences is the one facet that consistently improves every episode. Too bad the story telling couldn't keep up.
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