I Am Legend (2007)
Overall, Legend stinks!!!! No "Come out, Neville"; No social hierarchy of vampires; No wife coming back from the grave; no extinction of the human race, "Legend" disgusts me
15 December 2007
Will Smith gives an excellent portrayal of a man alone for 3 years (he Becomes "autistic" in a sense, losing his own humanity in the Loneliness) And Will Smith reinforces a positive image of African-Americans; other than Will Smith, the whole movie blows except for the interesting premise it robbed from Matheson's brilliant novel. The vampires are transmuted into mindless look alike rabid zombies that are cheap imitations of 28 Days Later and Dawn of the Dead (remake) The movie overall is merely visually stimulating as if a second unit director who was a visual artist directed the film. I think "fans" overall got tired of the formula of slow moving creatures trapping people in a building for two hours and demanded something different. As a result we have dumb "not even vampires"/Not quite zombies either with no personality or motive to attack Neville save for dumb animal instinct. Gosh it was awful . . . .a total D+. I'm never going to see another horror movie again after this I think. "The fans" have taken over. Legend was like: Steven Sommers directing the remake of Lawrence ofArabia . . . . a mistake
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