Dead of Night (1945)
A rather mediocre anthology
14 January 2008
Dead of Night more than shows its age. All of the stories, excluding the wrap-around, are weak by today's standards (and quite possibly also the standards of the day) and, for the most part, exceedingly predictable.

Of the five stories (which doesn't include the story used as a framework), "Hearse Driver" is by far the weakest. Most horror fans (or even readers) will instantly deduce the ending just by looking at the title. This folk tale was old even back in the 40s, but luckily it's also one of the shortest stories. "The Haunted Mirror" and "Christmas Party" are both lackluster tales, although Mirror has some creepy shots. "Golfing Story" is one of the stronger entries, as it's somewhat unusual and has a good deal of humor. "The Ventriloquist's Dummy" is the most frightening of the bunch, but the ending is sure to disappoint.

These five stories detract from their frame, an unusually strong wrap-around story about an architect who arrives at a party out in the country. It's a fairly atmospheric tale that should keep the viewer rooted even through some of the more abysmal entries. However, here, too, the very end is predictable and the story, in all, isn't good enough to redeem the three weakest tales.
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