Well . . . . . .
23 January 2008
This episode, written by Rod Serling, is essentially a Twilight Zone-d version of his film "Patterns," though the dialogue and the characters' motivation are nowhere near as interesting or as subtle as in that film. The ending is also somewhat predictable, unlike that of "Patterns," and the final speech is a tad obvious.

Comparisons to that film aside, however, the episode is not bad and certainly makes its point about dehumanization. It is also notable for having a black actor, Jack Crowder (the future Thalmus Rasulala), in a completely normal and important role, namely, that of a computer technician. Such casting was certainly a rarity for 1964, though at the same time it is not surprising for the series considering Serling's progressive views on race relations. Crowder's character even engages in some verbal sparing with Richard Deacon's character, Mr. Whipple.

All in all, the episode is worth a look, and is a must for "Zone" fans.
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