Wes Anderson is no where Near done- His Best Yet
31 January 2008
I am a huge Wes Anderson fan but I was somewhat let down by The Life Aquatic, it was a good film, but good is not what I expect from Anderson. I expect great! So when this film came out I did not rush to the theater, I saw it a few weeks after its release. And for that matter I almost didn't see it at all.

You've seen similar plot lines before in Anderson film's, with a sort of Family dysfunction that is trying to get resolved. But while this is familiar territory it is somehow new and fresh. You get the Anderson scenes, with the slow motion and music in the background but nothing is redundant.

I guess it comes down to the characters, they are very interesting. There are also some hilarious moments, but only in the obscure sense. At one point Schwartzmann's character says Wouldn't it be nice to hear a train in the distance, to which both Wilson and Brody disagree, saying no that would actually be quite annoying.

If you liked Rushmore, and Tenenbaums you will like this one as well.
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