Bud Cort proves he's excellent with farce...
31 January 2008
So the script is not the wittiest, still THE SECRET DIARY OF SIGMUND FREUD has so many rewarding moments that it's fun to watch just to wait for the next big laugh.

BUD CORT reflects on the influences that made him a renowned psychiatrist--mostly stemming from childhood (his father never remembers his name), his mother (hilarious performance by CARROLL BAKER), his various failures while training as an intern unable to cope with blood, and finally, his success with patients who inspire him to discover free association, hypnosis, split personalities, etc. MARISA BERENSON does a fantastic job as the young woman under hypnosis after suggesting that Freud move the watch back and forth.

DICK SHAWN has great fun with playing six different personalities--including Napoleon, Santa Claus and the Archangel Gabriel--and CAROL KANE is marvelous as the love-struck nursing assistant who hopes she isn't being too forward in declaring that she's been lusting after Freud since she first set eyes on him and intends to be his wife.

Cort plays Freud with a wild and sometimes bewildered stare, his boundless energy and comic flair serving him well even when the script is beyond silly. He is never out of character and is the focal point of the whole film even when Dick Shawn is doing his wildly funny stint.

As long as you're not expecting a great script, there are enough reasons to watch this one for pure relaxation and good spirits. True, it's beyond silly but there are some genuinely rib-tickling moments.
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