A Big Letdown
9 February 2008
I was really disappointed in this Movie. I usually only see movies of a more sophisticated, thought provoking quality during its first week in theaters. I was in the mood for some stress relieving comedy and after seeing the trailer, I thought this movie would do the trick. It's almost as if they went through the entire film and pulled out every funny part (believe me, they are just that few) and used them for the preview. I probably laughed only two times during the entire film. Everything else was either already shown in the preview (so it was no longer funny) or so stupid that it didn't even deserve a laugh.

This film totally lacks creativity and, with the exception of all the gross and tacky sexual references, looks as if it were written by a 4th grader (seriously). The only thing truly laughable about this film is the film itself - It's a Big Joke - and The Joke Is On Us!! (the paying viewers). Who did they think their audience would be - Cavemen!? I hate to take it to that extreme, but the script is just that simple.

I wasn't necessarily expecting it to be a great movie (I mean, it is supposed to be a comedy), but since Malcolm D. Lee wrote the Best Man (a very enjoyable film), I thought this movie would at least be worthy of my time and money. Boy, was I wrong. Lee obviously has no real friends, because if he did, they would have told him this project was a load of garbage. I'm still amazed that he was able to secure James Earl Jones' participation in this movie. I am sure he'll still make money because many people will go to see it (with false hopes of a comic relief), but for those of you reading this....I'd recommend waiting for the DVD - or better yet, why not just wait for a movie that is actually deserving of your attention. For those of you who still insist on seeing it anyway, don't say you weren't warned!
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