Flight of the LOUSED UP Balloon
15 February 2008
As a kid in the 60's I relished this film because it was sooooo cheesy! I even went so far as to tape record the audio track off TV so I could have a good laugh! We didn't have VCR's in those days remember?

When Joe Farady (Marshall Thompson) goes before the London Geographical Society to pitch his expedition, car horns and buses can be heard in the BG.....Pretty advanced for the late 19th century!

The process shots (bluescreen) with the "condors" is among the worst I've ever seen! And those birds! They look like retreads from a feather duster factory.

In the jungle landing sequence watch for the shadow of the crane that suspended the balloon prop in shot.

Watch for the Hope and Crosby of the gorilla world in the "castle" sequences.....Talk about hams!....A pair of the silliest monkey suits I've ever seen!

The film was supposed to take place in Africa but it's obvious that Bluebeard's "castle" is actually a 17th century Spanish fort in Puerto Rico where principle filming was done.

Mala Powers, when interviewed years ago about the film, commented about Nathan Juran, the director...It seemed that originally the film was to be tongue in cheek - as Jules Verne had intended it, but Juran played it straight and screwed the pooch. She also commented about Felippe Birriel (Golan) being a pathetic creature that could barely move....

Golan, now there's a real henchman! Birriel couldn't speak English so they just had him grunt and groan.Using the "His tongue was torn out years ago" bit as an excuse.....And his shoes! Man oh man, they look like Buckwheat's from the Our Gang films.....Only in size 25!

If you want to see the basic plot done right, see Fox's "Five Weeks in a Balloon" (1962).....

In it's favor I will say that the pacing isn't bad and Marshall Thompson seems to be making the best of the situation.

Felipe Birriel as Bluebeard's henchman "Golan"(not "Golem") was a semi celebrity in Puerto Rico where he was known as the tallest man there (7'11"). He died in '94 at 77 years old.

This film is one that has to be seen to be believed, as there is no way to describe it adequately.......It's as if Ed Wood had decided to do an adventure pic in color with more than a 50cent budget......Hmmm, Tor Johnson as Golan......It boggles the mind!

Robert Hill
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