The Haunted Airman (2006 TV Movie)
Average and uninspiring stuff
23 February 2008
Paralysed during a bombing run over an enemy city, Toby Jugg is sent to a remote recovery centre run by Dr Hal Burns to rehabilitate himself mentally as well as receiving physical therapy from Sister Grant. Jugg does want to be here, he wants to be home with his love, Julia, but the gates are locked and she isn't even writing to him. While Burns continues to offer him treatment, Jugg starts to believe that all is not as it seems.

I'm all for a good ghost story because, although I do scare quite easily, the reason I tend to avoid horror movies is the gore they provide in place of genuine chills. Screened as part of BBC4's season of ghost stories, I did hope for more from The haunted Airman – more than modern "scary" movies but also more than it actually managed to deliver. Most of the problems belong in the delivery of what does seem like it could have been a very interesting story, with plenty of layering and material there to work with. Unfortunately writer/director Durlacher doesn't really seem to know what to do with it.

Is he playing out a character story on a foundation of eerie uncertainty or is it something else? It is hard to say as the film doesn't seem to settle on the strengths very often and funnily the character aspect is something that seems to happen despite Durlacher, not because of him. While he stumbles over this, he also delivers flat and obvious moments in the mistaken belief that they are creepy. At their best these do work but even then they are pretty clichéd and obvious; at their worst they smack of a total lack of imagination with easy tricks that don't have the desired effect.

The acting doesn't help, although again I suspect the performances are hurt by Durlacher not having a grip on everything. Pattinson is roundly poor and I found his performance to be part of undoing the potential in the character stuff. The dread Sands just looms around the place unsure of what he is doing but trying to have a mysterious twinkle in his eyes just in case it is important. Stirling, Lloyd and others end up hanging around the scenes with the purposeful presence of extras.

Overall then an average film at best. The story seems to offer potential but the delivery lacks focus and appears to have been constructed scene by scene, with only the aims of the here and now being considered. It felt like this was also part of the techniques used being obvious and ineffective in pulling the viewer into the film. Not awful, just really quite pointless and uninspiring.
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