oui, c'est Frog-lickin' bon
25 February 2008
This unusual French animation seems to divide its audience right down the middle, and it is easy to understand why some people may not be impressed with what its creators have attempted to do. Its quirky style is strangely detached, leaving the viewer with no real sympathy for the main characters because of their lack of emotion. And yet, while I strongly felt this unappealing side to the film it still fascinated me and I felt compelled to see it through to the end just to see what bizarre developments were to come.

People marvel at how realistic computer-generated animation films are these days, but this striving for realism usually leaves no room for charm, which is something this film does possess – even if it is a little on the quirky side. The characters are all caricatures, some humorous, others strangely haunting (the cyclist is the most doleful character I have ever seen in a film) and others, such as Grandma's faithful pooch, are simply there for comic effect, but it's always an absorbing mix – and any film which exercises both the writer's and the audiences imagination has to be worthy of praise.
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