Terminal Rush (1996)
Terminally Crap !
1 March 2008
Another tedious Outing from Don "the Drag on & on & on " Wilson... who, on this evidence seems to wants out of my "50 action stars better than Vin diesel" list.

This film is Poor in every department.... Cheap, Boring, with Poor dialog and 10 minute script made worse by some amateurish Acting ( which we'd expect from a Action B .. movie ) but in this its really bad. The Actors Speak Over each other,Mistime their Lines and are just plain wooden.

But so What eh ..at least we can relax and watch some mind blowing action and fighting, right ??...Wrong ?

Poorly executed Fight scenes ...probably improvised. The contact looks minimal and the Villains ( None of which look like terrorists or suit there costumes ) go down way to easy from Wilson's Boring and limited use of kicks and punches. There's No blood ..( Except for that terrible dyslexic 2 minute subsubsubsub plot where the guy writes Ratz in whatever it is them cheap bastards are using for blood. ) ... Actually writing Ratz in blood would probably sum this Movie up a lot better then i can.

Explosions are repeated three times over and nothing really explodes anyway just a few random Rocks being thrown into shot. ). Gun Shoot outs are like watching kids playing Army with Sticks. Even Roddy Piper cant save this Pile of Dung.

Stay Well Clear...My hunt for a good, no Acceptable "Don Dragon Wilson" Movie continues.
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