Bus Stop (1956)
Dumb Story & Murray's Stupid Role Overshadows Marilyn
19 March 2008
I recently saw a tribute to Marilyn Monroe and it was mentioned that Marilyn called "Bus Stop" her favorite film in which she acted. She thought she did her best work in that film and it legitimized her as a serious actress. This was one of the few films of hers I had never seen so I was very anxious now to see this, especially on widescreen. Well, it was disappointing: not because of Marilyn - she was fine - but the story was incredibly stupid.

Part of the problem might be the way our society has changed, although I doubt even 50 years ago - when this film came out - a guy could do what "Bo Decker" (Don Murray) did in here and get away with it. Nonetheless, to watch this brainless idiot - in a crowded nightclub - chase a woman down, rip off half of her dress, break into her dressing room, follow her out the window to a bus station, lasso her and kidnap her by dragging her onto the bus.....and have NOBODY even attempt to stop him during all of this (and more) is a real insult to any viewer's intelligence. No police? No security? No harassment, et al?

The story, like Murray's character who has fewer brains than the rodeo animals he's battling, is just plain dumb. Monroe ("Cheri") and friend Eileen Heckart ("Vera") are fine, as is the other main character, "Virgil" (Arthur O'Connell) but Murray is so loud, abrasive and stupid that he ruins the movie. He - not Monroe - dominates the film, unfortunately.

Thankfully, Monroe is.....well, Monroe, so all is not lost watching this movie but this screenplay is so dated and so moronic you'll cringe watching the film.
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