Review of 21

21 (2008)
great movie! (SPOILERS)
8 April 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I suppose the first time I saw a preview for 21 was probably close to 7 months ago, so I did know there was a film coming out and it looked fairly interesting. Since I am getting around the age of being able to gamble and go to vegas, it was nice being able to see the scene of vegas in an up-to-date movie! I love the characters, and im sorry the Asian kid.. haha all I could think of was disturbia ringtone.. HAHA!

I loved the way Kevin Spacey played the whole good guy, bad guy role.. It was nice seeing him in a role like this, simply because I relate him back to Pay it Forward, and I believe that this is a great role for his personality. The main character does a great job really showing the struggles that college students do face everyday. Though most of us cannot say that we have a 4.0 at MIT and are awaiting money to attend Harvard, I can personally relate to the financial struggle college does bring to myself personally. Maybe I should go card count!??

Once you started to pay attention I really began figuring out the true meaning behind card counting and it really is very simple, with the word connection to the card value. As for the gestures, they were a big out there, and I really think that Vegas PD would catch on to the whole arm behind the back thing 10 times quicker, simply because it is such a drastic move.

The movie is great, and I personally loved it because it played out the roles of each of the characters and came to a conclusion with all of them. Sorry, but it was nice seeing what happened to Spacey at the end. :]

7 out of 10! Go see this film!
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