Local Color (2006)
A film about finding the wisdom of life through the losses and accomplishments of life. --- Gabriel of Urantia
29 April 2008
Once in a while a film comes along that gives you hope in humanity and in the ability of the film industry to really say something meaningful. George Gallo (Director/Writer) uses the voice of an experienced older man, who is a master artist, to express his feelings to a young artist about his views of life and art, which equals the wisdom of an experienced sage. With lines like, "True art is beautiful," "True art really says something," and "An atheist can't paint true beauty," the movie is filled with profound wisdom. Although Seroff obviously believes in God, he is anything but self-righteous. He drinks vodka and uses profanity to prove a point. Much of his wisdom comes from the loss he has suffered, both from people he loved and the opinions of critics who know nothing truly about life or great art. The young artist, John, is a special soul who knows what he wants to be and is an older soul than his father, who tries to stifle his son's sensitivity and creative genius. Every aspiring painter or musician or artist of any kind needs to see this film.
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